Gulf Games 9: Ted Cheatham

Pensacola Beach, Florida
February 21 – 24, 2002

A hearty to thanks to everyone as well. I was great seeing all of you. I am very sorry I had to leave early, but these things happen. I did miss the prize table……who the heck picked out Godzilla for me????? I will find you!!! Actually,when Craig, Charlie and James arrived at my house Sunday, it got assembled and New York was stomped with dinosaur footprints by 7PM……arrrggooo.
I also, want to pass on my sincerest apologies to those injured in the welcome party….it clearly was not play tested before the event. But,……it was funnier than heck to watch Mark Jackson get trampled in the middle of that circle. (sorry, Mark). I guess I will have to scrapmy plans with the oatmeal and pepsi cans for Savannah.

This Gulf Games more than any other has made me realize (actually everyone is putting on a good act) that all of my best friends are not living near me. (excepting of course my family). I appreciate everyone letting me yell, scream, laugh, and just accept me as not meaning anything bad to anyone no matter what I say or do. I thank the people who have invited me in to their homes all over the US and welcome me back even though the trashcans were emptied and the cat got pregnant.
Not wanting to get real mushy….I appreciate all of you and feel like I am home and with true friends when I am at with you all.
Thank you again for being part of the experience and I hope to see you in Savannah.