Gulf Games 12: Sheryl Suko

aka Vera Levy
Williamsburg, Virginia
August 7 – 10, 2003

I should say this is not a message from Larry Levy (or “Harvey” as he is known in MY circles). This is a message from Sheryl, his wife. First off, what’s all this talk about me at the Gulf Games? What IS a Gulf Games????? Did HE go to Gulf Games? And who is this Vera woman? Was SHE there? What’s going on!? I thought he was visiting his friends “George and Marion” that week!!! What gives?

Ok, it was really me. Sigh. I’ve been outted. I confess. I play games. My name is Sheryl, I mean Vera, and I’m a beginning gameaholic. All together now, “Hello Vera”.

I had such a good time meeting so many of you all I just had to write and say so. I look forward to the next time I can join Harv, uh, Larry, for another gaming trip. And as for the ponytail and “a little fuzz” mentioned recently – HAH! Upon exiting that prolonged hospital stay my dear husband had a beard to rival an old world Rabbi, hair that was long enough to BE a ponytail (but he had it cut before returning to work in spite of my pleas), AND he returned to work in a killer pair of levi’s and an Operation Game T-shirt! He was a walkin’ Mr. Zig Zag and the man of my dreams…and he still is, even if the hair is shorter and the beard is trimmed up nicely.

Anyway, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed my trip and meeting so many of you. I was amused to find while I was there that a group of ladies were trying to get my attention and when I couldn’t hear them they finally got it by calling out ” VERA” since yelling “Sheryl” didn’t work. Somehow I think I’ll be answering to Vera for a long long time.

What the heck. Could be worse. I could be Mrs. Columbo. 🙂