Nashville, Tennessee
August 2 – 5, 2001
I’m adding by thanks to all the others.
This was my first Gulf Games, and it far exceeded my expectations. I had heard about Gulf Games from previous attendees, but the reality was better. It was an excellent balance of competitiveness and camaraderie. The family orientation was a huge plus in my book. When I told my family about my experience, my sons were excited about the possibility of attending future gatherings. (Unfortunately, we already know that school competes with the Feb 2002 gathering, but they’re looking forward to the future ones).
The game play was spirited. The mix of games remarkable. The younger members certainly made a difference. Their behavior is a credit to themselves and their parents. Their game play was excellent, and their enthusiasm inspiring.
No small part of my enjoyment was meeting the great people. I now feel I have a whole new set of friends.
The experience was tiring, due to the lack of sleep, but relaxing. It produced a change in me large enough that my wife notices.
I know it’s not easy to organize such a gathering, and I want to thank Greg and the others for doing this great service that we all get to enjoy. Let me know how I can help in the future.
I hope to see everyone sooner rather than later.
Keep on gaming.