Gulf Games 4: Greg Schloesser – Overview

Destin, Florida
October 21 – 24, 1999

No time for a lengthy report just yet, but I wanted to pass along some quick thoughts and news concerning the recently completed Gulf Games 4, held October 21 – 24 in Destin, Florida.

FANTASTIC! This was an incredible event with 21 gamers plus families in attendance. There are so many things which make Gulf Games so special, but the genuine friendship, good will and camaraderie ranks at the very top of the list. Many, many folks came up to me and said how wonderful this event was and how great it was to have the families involved.

The gaming room was a sight to behold. Tim & Vickie Watson went to incredible lengths creating decorations which left everyone gasping in amazement. Oversized game pieces were hanging from the ceilings and everyone scurried around attempting to identify which game they belonged to. The design for the t-shirts and golf shirts was also wonderful, incorporating our ‘Back to the Beach’ theme along with hidden game pieces in the design. There were also hand-crafted trophies for our contests, magnets and more. A super job which was much appreciated by all.

Another special feature of Gulf Games is that sodas, snacks and candies are kept stocked and available throughout the entire convention. Many commented on how nice this was as no one had to leave in search of snacks.

Informal gaming began Wednesday night as the early arrivers enjoyed dinner together and some games pool side. Ty Douds & family, Tim & Vickie Watson, Michael Bland (from Ted Cheatham’s gaming group) and I played some fun family card games. One of the hits was Buried Treasure, which was very popular throughout the convention.

Gaming began in full Thursday at Noon, with everyone arriving throughout the day. There are far too many stories to tell, and the memories will last with me a lifetime. Some of the highlights included:

1) Frank Branham’s wacky games. Where he finds these and how much money he spends on them just boggles my mind. Piratenbilliards was a big hit along with the French game of tossing ping pong balls into a box. We all split our sides laughing at Craig Berg’s repeated attempts at getting the ball INTO the box. “Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn” accurately describes his accuracy!

2) The Welcome Party ‘mixer’ contest was a hoot. There was a bingo grid with obscure facts about our attendees. The object was to rush around and attempt to match the people to the snippets. There are some pretty amazing stories here and I’ll share some throughout the next few weeks. I think Frank was pestered the most by folks convinced he was the right answer to: “I haven’t cut my hair in 5 1/2 months.” It wasn’t him! Rather, it was Marc Adams, Michael Adams’ (a member of the Kitchen Table Gamers) son, whose hair really wasn’t that long.

3) Observing Lenny Leo lead a group of 5 children in a game of Mamma Mia. What’s amazing is that (a) Lenny is single; (b) Lenny has no kids; (c) Lenny HATES Mamma Mia!!

Lenny went on to surpass this feat by, using his own funds, purchasing each child in attendance a nice gift. He probably dropped a nice bundle on these gifts. His generosity is much appreciated.

4) Speaking of kids … I have actual photos and video of Frank Branham playing several games with children. See … he doesn’t EAT them!

5) Watching in horror the 2AM game of Pit which undoubtedly woke the entire hotel. Amazingly, no guests complained.

6) Discovering with even greater horror that George Michaels and Ken Girton taught my daughter Lindsay Pit and she loved it. Further, Ken gave her a copy so she could torment me with it. Evil, evil folks.

7) Laughing hysterically throughout ZUm Kuckuck, being played with Ben & Marcia Baldanza, Craig Berg and Sheldon Smith. A gaming moment I will never, ever forget was when Ben was explaining the rules, dealt the cards and told us to “look at our hands”. Spontaneously and in perfect unison, Sheldon, Craig and I held up our hands and looked them over. Ben dropped his head to the table with an audible ‘ thunk’!

8) The families. Not everyone is a huge ‘kid’ fan, but everyone … and I mean everyone … took time to play games with the kids. I, for one, constantly underestimate what kids are capable of handling and am continuously amazed at the games they can play competently. I was especially impressed while playing a game of Blockhead with Frank, George Michaels and a ton of kids how both Frank & George encouraged the children on and remained patient throughout. Plus, I had no idea those blocks could be stacked at such odd angles!

There’s so many more stories and memories I could pass along and will render a full report soon. It was simply amazing. Gulf Games has become THE gaming event in my book. Special thanks to everyone who attended and freely shared their friendship and love.

See y’all in Chattanooga!