Chattanooga, Tennessee
March 2 – 5, 2000
I hardly know where to begin. I have been under enormous pressure both from a professional standpoint and, well, by things at home (caring for my poor old father), and when I arrived, I was terribly tense and wound up. I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful, wonderful time I had and what truly fine folks you all are, and how kind and friendly and hospitable (and what good sports!).
I simply cannot think of the experience unmoved, and I believe I shall remember it, always. If it is at all possible, I would love to make attendance a regular feature of my existence. I had almost forgotten how much fun it was to just–play! That is a phenomenon which, I suppose, most, if not all, designers go through. (I imagine it is somewhat analogous to a gourmet taking on the job as butcher.) Carolvs Magnvs and Citadels were my favorites, although I immensely enjoyed them all (even Time Pirates and ” Formula Duh“).
Actually, my real favorites were the people there–to play with such a delightful group is beyond my experience of thirty years in the field. I am not a religious person, but I felt a what I can only describe as a divine presence in that room–more so than I have experienced in many a year. (I wasn’t going to take any games, but I took Kahuna, with the intention of returning it later. And I am sorely tempted to regard the subsequent events as beyond coincidence . . .)
It was also a gas connecting real live faces with those I have encountered on the web, such as Neil Carr and, of course, yourself. I dropped in on your site and took in the pictures and comments, which experience was both amusing and pleasing. (And I’ll treasure that shirt forever!)
Thank you–for everything.